Friday, July 12, 2024

Because People Brought It Up Again...

... and basic ethics doesn't allow me to present to public my private "discussion" with Ted Postol, plus Douglas Macgregor refers to this self-proclaimed "expert", here is a simple answer to all this amateurish BS about Russia's SPRN and Early Warning space-based capabilities. Here is from 2020. 

МОСКВА, 5 авг - РИА Новости. Единая космическая система предупреждения о ракетном нападении "Купол", созданная для Минобороны РФ, находится в рабочем состоянии, сообщил в среду гендиректор Ракетно-космической корпорации (РКК) "Энергия" Игорь Озар.  "Пуском четвертого космического аппарата "Тундра" Единая космическая система "Купол" доведена до штатного минимального состава", - сказал Озар на едином дне приемки военной продукции. Он уточнил, что аппараты, выведенные на высокоэллиптическую орбиту, контролируют районы стартов баллистических ракет "на материковых территориях и акваториях мирового океана".
Translation: MOSCOW, August 5 - RIA Novosti. The unified space missile attack warning system "Dome", created for the Russian Ministry of Defense, is in working condition, Igor Ozar, general director of the Rocket and Space Corporation (RSC) Energia, said on Wednesday. “With the launch of the fourth Tundra spacecraft, the Unified Space System “Dome” has been brought to its minimum standard composition,” Ozar said at the single day of acceptance of military products. He clarified that the devices launched into a highly elliptical orbit control the launch areas of ballistic missiles “on continental territories and in the waters of the world’s oceans.”
I offered Ted to connect him to people who may get him in contact with people from RKK Energia for them to marvel at the guy who spreads smut on Russia for some time now. But then again, what this loser General Director of RKK Energia Igor Ozar knows, especially when compared to omniscient Ted Postol who operates with data from 2000s. I omit here physical explanations of known data on Tundra satellites  with each of 6 satellites carrying 5 sensors: three IR, one UV and one optical, with Kupol constellation not only being able to develop tracks of any type of any missile but also serve as a communication and control system of Russia's Strategic Missile Forces. 
Per Colonel Macgregor--I kinda get it when your country and your, allegedly great, accomplishments, collapse in a front of your eyes and everything you know about military history and war turns into, well, fairy tale--it is difficult. This is the only explanation I have for Macgregor embarrassing himself whenever him talking about USSR/Russia. I call it Al Bundy's high school football "four touch downs" syndrome. I know, I went through this myself. Defensive reactions vary, but they, most (not all) of them, are always based of self-medicating lies. In general, Macgregor should avoid talking about USSR in WW II of which he has minimal knowledge and understanding and also goes referring to the guy whose "expertise" is his own figment of imagination.

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