Monday, July 8, 2024

Although In Russian...

 ... you can clearly see the "effectiveness" of the US-made air-defense which is hidden inside clusters of buildings in Kiev and you can clearly see what looks like NASAMS AIM-120 losing guidance and hitting Kiev's buildings. 

As per destruction of three M-270s with ATACMS together with "foreign" crews--that is what expects now all those American "volunteers". Including those ass-holes from "Chosen" who still think (due to them being only good at executing POWs) that Russians do not know who they are and where they are. Kiev regime may expect repetition of such arrivals in the nearest future, until the whole 404 will not become de-electrified, which is near. 

Now, about this "operation" of trying to get Russian TU-22M3. Same ol' "Operation Moolah"--one trick ponies they are. They still think that Russians live in 1990s and that anyone other than ass-holes such as low life who killed his crew members and ran away with Mi-17 Helicopter, will be interested. So, FSB played the game and then VKS blew up the airstrip where this TU-22M3 was supposed to land.

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