... in its sheer triviality and stupidity akin to "disclosing" a fact of human mortality to a 60 year old mortician.
Don't worry, they will come up with yet another definition of "industry turmoil" and, probably, will define it as a Type A supernova in the vicinity of the Solar System, at which point it wouldn't matter how it all ends, or possibly as Moon falling to Earth. In both cases that would still serve only one purpose--to cover up a complete bankruptcy of the Dollar-based financial system and of the US finances being nothing more than an elaborate Ponzi scheme, concocted by people who never produced anything in their lives but quarterly reports and Power Point presentations.
The desperation is palpable, but there is no happy ending here--all Ponzi schemes collapse because they run out of empty air to sell. Here is one of the exhibits of the Wall Street types' "skills".
The time is running out for many in Washington, and when stealing and BSing is the only type of degree one needs to get to the corridors of powers, what would one expect as a result? And BSing is in progress as I type it--on an industrial scale.
As I already stated--you cannot explain to an average WaPo or NYT bottom feeder or some Congress dweller what real war economy is and why the US finds itself in a classic vicious circle of diminishing returns. It is a combination of factors, among which technological and warfare ignorance of the US "elites" is one of the most important. Just yesterday, Russia ran out of missiles and high-precision weapons... again, if you know what I mean.
These things are so beyond the experiences of Western decision makers, be them civilian or military, that it is impossible to explain it to them--they simply have no intellectual faculty and education for grasping this. Which brings us to this, now notorious, Daily Mail piece when discovering:
Again, I repeat, you cannot explain why and how it works to an average Western "master of discourse"--many of them still believe that their post-WW II economic recovery was some kind a miracle of American benevolence and financial trickstery of Bretton Woods. It was way more complex than that, and if not for the events on the Eastern Front in 1941-44 even Bretton Woods System wouldn't have been possible--now try to explain this to Blinken or BoJo with Sunak. So, it is getting boring listening (and reading) about combined West discovering basic truths of life, based on not elaborate BS but on objective economic, social and military laws in whose study and application West failed miserably. But even exceptionalists and neocons are forced to admit through their teeth:
Yep, that is called deterrence. Hey, at least in terms of diversity Russian Navy does well, wink, wink;) Did anyone ask how non-stop sanctioned Russia managed to come up with this "diverse" extremely advanced fleet?