And makes a dash to Bergamo. No, really, Russian contingent of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces (RHBZ) deploys to one of the hardest hit regions of Italy, around the city of Bergamo.
Russian Vesti (Russia 1) reporters are also at hand to document this act of aggression.
Russia also registered today first two deaths from Covid-19: 73 and 81 year old patients, both with a host of chronic illnesses, which, of course, is a very small consolation for their relatives. But it is what it is, we all are at risk one way or another.
Today, also, in the act of unheard of militancy, Russian insidiousness and lack of democracy, Russians conducted another anti-American provocation and operation of influence and, through Russia's Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov offered (if needed) aid to the United States in containing Covid-19 pandemic (in Russian). I think US Intelligence Community headed by the US Congress Select Committee On Intelligence must immediately commence a thorough investigation of this atrocious Russian interference with American democracy. Declarations such as this:
«Простые американцы должны знать – Россия при необходимости будет готова помочь и США, как не раз предлагала содействие в тушении пожаров в Калифорнии»
Translation: "Simple Americans must know--if necessary, Russia will be ready to help the United States, the same as Russia, not for once, offered help in extinguishing fires in California".
Or this barely veiled threat to American national security when stating that Russian Covid-19 test kits are top notch and already have proven themselves in China, Iran and, now, Italy, are absolutely inadmissible. This is atrocious, where are Malcolm Nance or Adam Schiff, or specialist in Russian genetics and bodily fluids Mr. Clapper, when you need them? Where is everybody? Who can stop this Russian aggression? But never mind, it doesn't really matter because there are always sanctions the United States can impose on Russia for conducting herself in such an aggressive, democracy-threatening manner. So, as you can see, Russian invasion is in progress and NATO does nothing. What's next, Russians sending toys and food for women and children? Ah, wait--Syria, forgot completely. While combined West tries to support peaceful humanitarian jihadists and other democratic head-choppers, Russians assault Syrian civilian population with doctors, food, clothing, clean water and other typically Russian tools of aggression and subversion. Look at that, Russian agents are already deep in Italy. So, ladies and gentlemen, the Russians Are Coming! Run for your life!