Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Loneliness of a Half-Blooded Nation

Yesterday, Vladislav Surkov, a person of a profound influence on Russian political discourse (he is the author of famous and, as life proved, profoundly meaningful term for Russia as Sovereign Democracy) wrote a piece of vast geopolitical importance, which signifies and summarizes many things geopolitical and cultural for Russia today. The piece (in Russian) is called The Loneliness of a Half-Blooded Nation. Surkov, who also plays a great role in preventing an all-out war in Donbas by doggedly keeping EU and US State Department's "representatives" at bay, said nothing new per se in his piece—Vyacheslav Nikonov (Molotov's grandson, if anyone wonders, and a prominent Russia's politician), speaking couple of years ago at Vladimir Solovyov's Show was explicit when stating that it was enough for Russia with having any kind of "allied" relations with anyone and that it was when Russia was not involved in any kind of alliances that she prospered. Surkov supports this thesis and, justifiably, uses an enormously popular quote by Tsar Alexander III that: "Russia has only two allies—her Army and her Navy". 

Surkov makes many good points. One of them, where he uses computer analogy, is:

При внешнем подобии русской и европейской культурных моделей, у них несхожие софты и неодинаковые разъемы. Составиться в общую систему им не дано. Сегодня, когда это старинное подозрение превратилось в очевидный факт, зазвучали предложения, а не шарахнуться ли нам в другую сторону, в Азию, на Восток. Не нужно. И вот почему: потому что Россия там уже была. 

Translation: Despite outward appearance of a similarity between Russian and European cultural models, they have different software and ports. These models cannot constitute a common system. Today, when this ancient suspicion turned into the obvious fact, new suggestions are beginning to be heard—why don't we rush to the other side, to Asia, to Orient. No, this is not necessary and here is why—Russia has been there already.     

He introduces a half-blooded thesis. 

Наша культурная и геополитическая принадлежность напоминает блуждающую идентичность человека, рожденного в смешанном браке. Он везде родственник и нигде не родной. Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих. Всех понимающий, никем не понятый. Полукровка, метис, странный какой-то. Россия это западно-восточная страна-полукровка. С ее двуглавой государственностью, гибридной ментальностью, межконтинентальной территорией, биполярной историей она, как положено полукровке, харизматична, талантлива, красива и одинока. 

Translation: Our cultural and geopolitical affiliation is reminiscent of a wandering identity of a human born into the mixed wedlock. This human is a relative to everyone but is not dear to anyone either. He is his own among strangers, a stranger among his own. He understands everyone but is not understood by anyone. Half-blooded, metis, a very strange one. Russia is a Western-Eastern half-blooded country. With her two-headed statehood, hybrid mentality, intercontinental territory, bi-polar history, she, as it is predetermined for half-blooded, is charismatic, talented, beautiful and lonely.  

Yes, Russia is a third way. She is her own civilization (no, not in Huntington's sense) and one can observe today a crystallization of this vision on a daily basis. It is everywhere, in young, old, active, passive, it is in dawning understanding and, actually, desire to be self-sufficient, not to depend on anyone. I never experienced anything like this. Considering Surkov's unique position in Russia's power structure and him being very close to Vladimir Putin one can see this final and so needed healthy detachment from the illusions of the past. Yes, there will be trade, some Western people will have positive attitude towards Russia but Russia's move to the West is over and it is all good. Let the combined West deal with its own demons—and there are plenty of those and they are coming out from all holes.  

News of Surkov's piece even made it to Associated Press. So we are already in the new geopolitical reality and, if we live through this Syria insanity without major damage to human civilization, I, personally, see no reason for Russia having any serious relations with Europe and US. MAD, some trade—that's about it. I agree with Surkov entirely—it is over. Fact is, I warned about combined West committing cultural suicide in Russia from the inception of this blog and that was in 2014. There could be no meaningful relations with the corpse.

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