Thursday, March 6, 2025

US Former "Intelligence" ...

 ... officials who wouldn't know shit from shinola.

With Trump and his deputies echoing some of Russia’s talking points about the Ukraine war and indicating they hope to expand U.S. relations with Moscow, former intelligence officials say the administration may even share some sensitive information with Moscow. Several former U.S. intelligence officers said they and their colleagues still in government are deeply concerned about the possible implications of the administration’s shift toward Russia, in which Moscow may no longer be treated as an adversary. “People are very worried,” a former intelligence official said.

As always, there are no names of those "officials", because the only thing those "officials" can do is to fail at their intelligence tasks, among which is the proper assessment of the world outside. And yes, they should worry, especially if they have been associated with DNC and subversion of the US Constitution--the only thing they are capable of. I am not exaggerating--the so called American "expertise" in critical aspects of the global balance of power and practical geopolitics is laughable. In this sense the post-Cold War 1.0 US approach to "intelligence" has very little to do with real intelligence and its main task of collecting information and analyzing it to turn it into knowledge. Forget about it--we are seeing in the so called "intelligence" and "expert" community same ol' Mencken's "Morons with Ph.Ds", or collection of credentialed cretins. 

In other "news", people ask me (yes, they send messages all the time), whenever hearing any kind of ambiguous statements from some Russian officials (such as Russia's Ambassador to the UK), if some or the other phrase or word are indications of Russians "surrendering" or compromising. I can only repeat same thing--SMO continues, there will be no "freezing" and there will be no "peacekeepers". Here is Lavrov himself (during pressy with Zimbabwe's FM today) explaining, yet again--in Russian only, sadly--that all this talk is just BS. 

I cannot repeat this constantly, but it seems that I must.