Friday, October 18, 2024

Just Want To...

 ... reiterate, using James Kunstler's definition, the clusterfuck which this whole 404 adventure has become. 

МОСКВА, 17 окт — РИА Новости. Владимир Зеленский на совместном брифинге с генсеком НАТО Рютте призвал страны отправить военных для пополнения рядов ВСУ, его слова приводит украинское издание "Страна.ua". "Наш посыл всем странам: готовьте бригады, они могут быть резервом и могут заменить наших ребят, которые устали, они могут заменить их на поле боя", — отметил он.
Translation: MOSCOW, October 17 — RIA Novosti. Volodymyr Zelensky, at a joint briefing with NATO Secretary General Rutte, called on countries to send troops to replenish the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, his words are quoted by the Ukrainian publication "Our message to all countries: prepare brigades, they can be a reserve and can replace our guys who are tired, they can replace them on the battlefield," he said.
Yes, prepare brigades. I say go one up--how about divisions, nay, army corps. I am sure the whole NATO is willing to fight Russia after it was demonstrated to them how the best NATO army as it existed prior to February 2022 was dealt with. Nah, I am screwing with you. But this Ze's latest escapade tells you almost everything you need to know what is cooking for the former 404 and US elections. The BRICS timing couldn't have been better. And couldn't have been more symbolic than that. Now enjoy the views of Kazan. 
They are beginning to develop what will be known as Kazan-city, Kazan wants her own skyscraper cluster.

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