Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Are NATO Officers...

 ... operationally and strategically aware? Only very few of them, majority of them are capable of some tactical assessments, they are incapable of grasping space-time picture of a conflict on a grand scale, especially such as SMO--they simply have no tool kit for that. This tool kit comes through STEM, only STEM is capable to provide tools required for modern warfare. You need math and physics driven abstracts to be able today to run modern war. It is not just the knowledge, which, of course, matters, of tactical procedures--it is a framework in which operational and strategic decisions are made. Jacques Baud speaks about it all the time--if you see, as NATO militaries do, only a static picture, you are bound to be defeated.  If you believe in Money Power, as NATO militaries believe (e.g. $13 billion CVN of Ford-class can be sunk by 2-3 Zircon 3M22 hypersonic missiles, costing probably $2-3 million each), you lose. 

Germany now is learning a hard way what it is to betray the hand of reconciliation and friendship. And a reminder--terrorism is the weapon of the weak, hence the love of the atrocities in Washington and London.

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