... nauseating. It is behind the paywall but what is available speaks volumes.
And here, apart from these former marines parroting all types of 404 propaganda, which tells you immediately who they are as military professionals, some things need to be addressed. I'll start with the most abused term in the US--"strategy". These two do not know what strategy is, because what passes in the US for "strategy" is nothing more than knee jerking based on utter geopolitical and military incompetence based on confabulated military history and arrogance which manifested itself through dismal (and humiliating) American military record and military R&D and procurement policies which have nothing to do with real war. Albeit, at least in 1970s and 80s NATO was admitting its conventional weakness in Europe.
But here comes this nauseating part, and you may have guessed it already, these two need to read this--their "combat" experiences are I-R-R-E-L-E-V-A-N-T for modern warfare. NO US military person ever fought against equal or better enemy than the US force, period. NO American serviceman knows, or, as on many occasions "maneuvers" of the US "volunteers" in 404 demonstrated when running away from serious contacts, can understand operational (emphasis on OPERATIONAL) realities and know how to act--recognizing one or another local tactical-operational reality the Joint Force Operations does not make. US never had real Joint Force, nor has any experience in having the main organ of combat control of ALL armed forces and that means General Staff. Joint Chiefs is not General Staff and America's military culture was always imperial expeditionary one and will remain such no matter what Washington does. So, these two former marines have to resign themselves to a cruel cold hard fact--the only people they fought in their lives have been essentially defenseless against them. With the exception of Vietnam which did have a serious support from the USSR.
Thirdly, US military education is essentially a joke. Especially so in service academies whose serious modern warfare "studies" cannot even measure to what and how is taught in Russia. But here is something out of the left field for you. When even Masha Gessen (a fanatical Russophobe) speaking to another Russian deviant and foreign agent Dud' drops the truth bomb.
And now you have many former and present US military people having a severe cognitive dissonance when they have been shown REAL war. But, of course, for them George Patton was and is great general. Hey, Hollywood says so. As per "human-wave" tactics, this is everything you need to know about these two marines--being militarily illiterate they would believe any "combat" BS, because nobody taught them real tactics and military history. Sore losers and amateurs...