Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Radio Liberty...

 ... learns the first-hand what Kursk adventure means for NATO. Radio Liberty human herpes, aka "journos", have been taking interview of VSU but something went wrong. 

Now, I am all for freedom of press and journalism, when it is responsible, the problem here is that Radio Liberty is not journalism as is not most of MSM in the West. They are propaganda outlets, with Radio Liberty in particular being a front for CIA. So, are they "journalists"? No, average journo of any MSM is a whore, sometimes a whore as an asset of intel services. So, RL boys and girls wanted to see real war--they got it. What happens at Kursk is the death of 14 brigades of VSU, together with a truck-load of all kinds of "volunteers". There is a group of Latin American (Colombian et al) "fighters" pinned down in Kursk cauldron and they beg for medevac and withdrawal--not happening, they all will die now. The atrocities committed by all kinds of "volunteers" against Russian civilians are that of SS level atrocities. This is how NATO fights... Not a single bitch from NYT, WSJ or Financial Times will report that--because they are participants and enablers of this. Hence--they are war criminals. All of them.

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