Sunday, October 13, 2024

I See, It Didn't Go As Planned...

 ... but didn't war criminals from the US MSM were trying to convince us that Israel's economy and Army are just the finest thing ever? They sure did. And now...

Israeli Army Economizing on Weapons Use Amid Arms Embargoes, Sources Say. To better prioritize use of weaponry, the Israeli army raised the rank of officers allowed to approve use of mortars and other weaponry as ammunition inventories dwindle. 

Hey, it's Haaretz today, not me. You see, the real war is a bitch. As many pointed out--Nixon had to take the US off gold standard precisely because otherwise he wouldn't be able to finance the war in Vietnam. You see, this is the USA of 1971--still the largest and most advanced industrial economy in the world at a time. Yet, even the US couldn't do it against Vietnamese, who, while supported by the Soviet Union primarily, and China, had one thing which the US didn't have--love for their nation and heroism while fighting on their land. Now, consider the issue of the Middle East--as I repeat ad nauseam, Israel's economy depends on many critical supplies on Israrl's slap bitch, the US. Once war gets into protracted attrition mode, Israel has no real resources. Especially so human ones. 

While even the imbeciles from all kinds of "rating agencies" get it, reality is--Israel is the country with a population of around 9-9.5 million, that is to say around the size of population of Hungary, which means no matter how they BS everybody about their "hi-tech" and shit, Israel simply has no (zilch, zero) population-industrial base to survive on its own, especially against the enemy which is highly motivated and is ready for the long haul. Period. I omit here extremely low tactical literacy and combat qualities of IDF. One cannot fight physics and math, it is impossible. In the end, Iran alone dwarfs Israel economically in real terms, not in those BS GDP numbers. Remember, CINC--Combined Index of National Capability? Please, find me Israel here... I can see Iran clearly, though. 

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