Saturday, July 27, 2024

Well, It Was Pure Satanism...

 ... and this is what modern West has become. 

But French have no reason for complaining--they voted for this for decades and their progressive country has finally progressed to plain, undistilled satanism and, I think, France richly deserves it. I am not being facetious or use hyperbole, I mean it, because the only reaction to that is that of desire to puke and drop a good yield nuclear device on this Sodom and Gomorrah. French nation, society, obviously, has no forces to right itself and that is how it will end for them. Now we saw it all on display. Unless, of course, growing Muslim population will not get this satanic ball under control and imposes Sharia laws, but then this country will be something else altogether. One way or another--there are no good scenarios for French, or whatever passes for them nowadays. 

The idiotic exclamations from a few "righteous" which are left that "they want children to see that?" is a joke--of course they want to, that's the plan from the get go. 
The US is not far behind. West's "creative" and media class is almost entirely on their side and this is how civilization ends. The only question now is HOW, but you all know how the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah ends. When traveling in Europe, keep antibiotics and garlic handy... 
Russians prepared some comparison, to the timeless piece of Evgeny Doga. Contrast, you know...

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