Thursday, July 18, 2024

And This Is News Exactly How?

 NYT reports: 

Ukrainian troops have lost a hard-won position on the eastern bank of the Dnipro River, near the southern city of Kherson, after months of bloody fighting to hold on to a piece of land in what some Ukrainian soldiers and military analysts have described as a futile operation. The Ukrainian military said on Wednesday night that fighting continued on the eastern bank but that most of the main positions in the village of Krynky, where its troops had gained a foothold, “were destroyed by intense, combined and prolonged enemy fire.” The statement came after several Ukrainian news media outlets reported that Ukrainian forces had withdrawn from the village, which now lies in ruins.The operation to establish a bridgehead on the Russian-controlled eastern bank of the Dnipro had been controversial from the start. 

Well, this whole disaster has been planned from the start as a fantasy and PR action, and it was part of the "plan" by NATO "specialists", who, yet again, paraded themselves as operational level amateurs and fantasists, who believed that Krynky bridgehead could be somehow instrumental in a catastrophic "counter-offensive" in Summer 2023. This is a work of amateurs in NATO. VSU, however lost thousands there and some 800 VSU personnel are also counted as MIAs. In general, the whole "counter-offensive" thingy encapsulated clearly a cultural abyss between West's and Russian views on war. Krynky is just one episode in a larger drama of NATO's military incompetence. In the end, no NATO military person, top-bottom, ever experienced sustained, long-range fires--they simply don't know what it is. So, even Kiev regime admitted today that it is over. And it is.

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