Monday, July 29, 2024

Vietnamese Navy...

 ... called on Vladivostok on the Russian Navy Day. 

These are Russian-built Gepard-class corvettes (pr. 11661)--nice looking ships and well armed as well.
Russian Navy has two of them, Vietnam has four. The only difference for Russia is that her latest ship of this class (Dagestan) has VLS and is capable of carrying Kalibr missiles. They call them frigates, actually, albeit, I think, it is a "transitional" class of ships which never really took off in Russia but is a good export item, especially in Dagestan configuration, which also carries a very respectable air-defense suite. Nice ships, and I am sure Vietnam has plans on acquiring other two, even more advanced Gepards despite sanctions on Russia. We'll see how it unfolds. Vietnam mulls her membership in SCO, and if she manages to avoid highly pro-American "youth" troubles, ascending to BRICS and, eventually, to SCO will automatically resolve the issue.   

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