Saturday, July 13, 2024

Correct Decision...

 ... in general, International Olympic Committee has to die together with this so called Olympic Movement which is nothing more that ideological and propaganda machine for the combined West. 

Российские телеканалы впервые за 40 лет не стали покупать права на трансляцию Олимпийских игр - 2024, которые пройдут в Париже с 26 июля по 11 августа.  Как сообщает, принято политическое решение, что в нынешней ситуации показывать Олимпиаду, в которой без гимна и флага будут участвовать всего 15-16 российских спортсменов, по центральным федеральным каналам нельзя. Трансляции на спортивном канале "Матч" обсуждались, однако после того как выяснилось, что борцам, дзюдоистам и тхэквондистам отказали в участии, вопрос отпал. Руководство канала посчитало, что миллионные расходы на ТВ-права в этой ситуации себя не оправдают. Сервис Okko также решил, что с учетом отстранения российских спортсменов Олимпиада не представляет большого интереса для аудитории в России.

Translation: For the first time in 40 years, Russian television channels did not buy the rights to broadcast the 2024 Olympic Games, which will be held in Paris from July 26 to August 11. As reports, a political decision has been made that in the current situation, it is impossible to show the Olympics, in which only 15-16 Russian athletes will participate without the anthem and flag, on central federal channels. Broadcasts on the sports channel "Match" were discussed, but after it became clear that wrestlers, judokas and taekwondoists were refused participation, the issue was dropped. The channel's management considered that spending millions on TV rights in this situation would not justify itself. The Okko service also decided that, given the suspension of Russian athletes, the Olympics are not of great interest to audiences in Russia.

Same as Russia suspending her participation in and payments to a bunch of verbose freeloaders known as Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)--there is nothing for Russia to do there. 

People ask about Russia and some do think about moving there. Here is the video of Joseph and Svetlana--Russian-American family--they are involved actively in helping Westerners to move to Russia. 

They are active on a very serious level, including, IIRC, on the level of Duma's subcommittees and it is also part of their business. Svetlana's info is inside video. I do not advocate one way or another, I merely present facts here and, yes, the migration from the West to Russia is gaining steam. It will become even more massive in coming years.

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