Tuesday, July 2, 2024

This Is Not Just "Demonstration Of Flag"...

 ... albeit this is how demonstration of force was always called in naval affairs. 

МЕХИКО, 2 июл — РИА Новости. Корабельная ударная группа Северного флота ВМФ России зашла в порт венесуэльского штата Ла-Гуайра, передает корреспондент РИА Новости. Она состоит из атомной подводной лодки "Казань", фрегата "Адмирал Горшков", спасательного буксира "Николай Чикер" и танкера-снабженца "Академик Пашин", который зашел в порт первым. Командует группой начальник оперативного управления Главного штаба ВМФ вице-адмирал Михаил Неупокоев. Как сообщили в пресс-службе Северного флота, во время стоянки экипажи российских кораблей смогут отдохнуть и ознакомиться с местными достопримечательностями. Уточняется, что деловой заход продлится несколько дней, после чего корабельная группа во главе с фрегатом "Адмирал Горшков" продолжит выполнение поставленных задач в акватории Атлантического океана, в их числе: демонстрация флага и обеспечение военно-морского присутствия в оперативно важных районах дальней океанской зоны.
Translation: MEXICO CITY, July 2 – RIA Novosti. The naval strike group of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy entered the port of the Venezuelan state of La Guaira, a RIA Novosti correspondent reports. It consists of the nuclear submarine Kazan, the frigate Admiral Gorshkov, the rescue tug Nikolai Chiker and the supply tanker Akademik Pashin, which entered the port first. The group is commanded by the head of the operational department of the Main Headquarters of the Navy, Vice Admiral Mikhail Neupokoev. According to the press service of the Northern Fleet, during the stay the crews of Russian ships will be able to relax and get acquainted with local attractions. It is clarified that the business call will last several days, after which the ship group led by the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" will continue to carry out its assigned tasks in the Atlantic Ocean, including: demonstrating the flag and ensuring a naval presence in operationally important areas of the far ocean zone.
Keep in mind that in this particular case the "flag" consists of a mix of 48 missiles of Kalibr, Onyx and Zircon variety. Add here Venezuela, Caribbean and shit and you get the picture. For now, Kazan is logging more surface hours demonstrating, indeed, that there could be something else underwater. Now get the load of this, and I mean THE load. 

Предполагается, что "субмарина выполнит испытательные пуски гиперзвуковой ракеты "Циркон" с надводного и подводного положения", сообщил ранее другой собеседник агентства.  КРОНШТАДТ, 26 июня. /ТАСС/. Атомная подводная лодка (АПЛ) "Иркутск" проекта 949АМ Тихоокеанского флота (ТОФ) после ремонта и модернизации вышла на заводские ходовые испытания. Об этом ТАСС сообщил источник в кораблестроительной отрасли в кулуарах Международного военно-морского салона (МВМС) "Флот-2024". "Ремонт и модернизация АПЛ "Иркутск" на одном из дальневосточных заводов практически завершены. Лодка вышла на заводские ходовые испытания", - сказал он.

Translation: It is expected that “the submarine will test launch the Zircon hypersonic missile from surface and submerged positions,” another agency source said earlier. KRONSTADT, June 26. /TASS/. The nuclear submarine "Irkutsk" of project 949AM of the Pacific Fleet (PF) after repair and modernization entered factory sea trials. A source in the shipbuilding industry reported this to TASS on the sidelines of the International Naval Show (IMMS) Fleet-2024. “The repair and modernization of the Irkutsk nuclear submarine at one of the Far Eastern plants is almost complete. The boat has entered factory sea trials,” he said.

The funniest thing about deeply modernized good ol' pr. 949A lovingly known in the fleet as Loafs, and in NATO as Oscar-II, is that nobody knows the exact number of missiles it carries now. It is clear it is way more that 30 but how many? The base number is 48 but is it more? Some say it is 72. Well, look at those lovely Loafs...

This is K-132 Irkutsk before modernization. This is the worst nightmare of any surface fleet and shipping. 

But here is West's worst nightmare. Although I speak about for years, let me rub this in again:

Russia becomes ‘high income’ country – World Bank. Moscow’s economic growth has defied Western sanctions 

The worst nightmare having two components.

1. Russia is beginning to live better than most EU countries. Soon Russians will live better than ANY EU country and will be on average reaching the US, allowed for climatic and geographic peculiarities. 

2. This is the worst one: while definitely capitalist, Russia is very social and, in fact, a mixed economy which is performing amazingly and that is the key--Russian economy is NOT neo-liberal economy and that drives globalist types insane. 

Well, what can I say--too bad, they should have studied real economics and history instead of wasting their time in Ivy League degree mills. Try to explain to any economics Ph.D from Harvard what real war is and how it shapes humanity for tens of thousand of years. But I repeat myself.

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