Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Totally Expected...

... Mr. Iskander decided to visit an interesting site and voila'... nice catch. 

Here is the video. 

Then, rumor has it, some Spanish Colonel (Ret.) informed that there have been visits to US, British, French and Spanish "advisers" near Odessa, but we have to wait for Russian MoD confirmation. 

Meanwhile, British military continues to parade itself as a joke and: 

Yes, sure! I wonder which battalion will UK send to fight Russia or China. That will be hilarious. But here is what British General Staff is:

Although Russia was embroiled in the war in Ukraine, and on current trends its forces would, Walker said, take “five years to grind their way through” to capturing the eastern Donbas, at a cost of 1.5 million casualties, the country’s history had shown it could bounce back.

A bunch of illiterate clowns, but take a load of this:  

He took the one year-long "advanced" course here, which is a euphemism for British military to get some sort of military credentials enough to "fight" people who cannot shoot back. Real war? I doubt anyone in this "Advanced" Command and Staff Course has any idea what modern command is on real battlefield, but, hey, leave it to British to bestow a shitload of meaningless awards and titles to nincompoops, who would fail the first year in any serious military higher education Russian officer college, not to speak of Services War Colleges let alone the Academy of General Staff, but sure--the guy was in Iraq, that must count for something, right? With his background in agriculture and Masters of Arts degree, I am positive he is precisely the material UK military needs to lead it into a complete irrelevance. They are almost there, as is United Kingdom as a country.

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