Monday, July 29, 2024

I'll Give It A Try...

 ... I do not have particular reverence to Francis Ford Coppola (I am a freak--I don't care about The Godfather). 

This one, however, seems timely, to put it mildly. The problem, of course, are constant parallels between the US and Rome. But this all is just the matter of historical context in which, as an example, Rome was a great continental warfare empire, the US is not and it pales in comparison to other continental empires not least due to a very short time of being THE quasi-continental empire as a result of WW II and the US "losing" historical memory of how it all transpired. So, with the industrial revolution which in the US was disrupted severely in 1929 to the point of societal decomposition, the US, as many people correctly note, had its greatest achievements when it was behind plow, not behind machine gun. It is a naval power and if any parallels could be drawn they are not with Rome but with what the US actually replaced--British Empire. The only parallel which is legitimate--it is a pagan foundation of modern American society and not in religious sense only. But trailer looks fascinating and the movie was shot entirely on FFC's money. So, I am going. 

P.S. In the most bizarre occurrence, while surfing through UTube channels while getting sleepy last night I stumbled on... Dune Part II. I thought, it was some BS, boy, was I wrong--a whole fucking movie. How, why, I don't know but I got a free ride and... today nothing is there and not even in my watch history. WTF? No, I wasn't dreaming. Somebody uploaded it and I caught it. I am sure UTube removed it now.  

P.P.S. I loved Sofia Coppola's Lost in Translation. A magnificent, moody, sad and charming film. 

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