Friday, March 15, 2024

As If Trying To Prove...

... my point with Nima about once great Britain:  

The former MI6 big honcho decides to demonstrate why my point is valid and UK is nothing but military-economic chihuahua. 

When it comes to the U.K., Dearlove identifies a gap between words and actions, between warnings — like Secretary of State for Defence Grant Shapps’ stating Britain needs to decide “whether to surrender to a sea of troubles or do everything we can to deter the danger”— and actually taking effective steps to be prepared. “If you stopped anyone in the street here in the U.K. and asked them whether they thought Britain is at war, they’d look at you as if you were mad,” Dearlove said. “But we are at war — we’re engaged in a gray war with Russia, and I am trying to remind people of that.” ... But the former MI6 head does draw some comfort from what Central European and Baltic nations are doing, praising Poland in particular for reaching a record-high level of defense spending within NATO. Poland is now spending nearly 4 percent of GDP on defense, and just this week, President Andrzej Duda warned that “Russia’s imperialistic ambitions and aggressive revisionism are pushing Moscow toward a direct confrontation with NATO, with the West and, ultimately, with the whole free world.”

Dearlove is a poor poor dear who still cannot resign himself to the fact that UK cannot do anything BUT to be at "gray war" with Russia, because the only thing UK can do "militarily" is terrorism and pray that the "gray war" doesn't turn a real one. Dearlove, having no real education--a feature, not a bug--and spending some time as MI6 head during Iraq invasion where he was cooking "intelligence", because modern MI6 cannot intel anything, is utterly unqualified as are most of UK "analytical" institutions ranging from MI6 to RUSI, to Chatham House, to have even remotely objective picture of the outside world of the XXI century warfare and economies. This is a gene in UK, it is its cultural DNA to view herself as important and believe all kinds of BS just to insulate themselves from a cruel reality of UK being reduced to a largely shithole with good football stadiums. 

UK may increase her defense budget whatever--2-3-5%--it would make no difference whatsoever because she can produce next to nothing which really matters on the modern battlefield. Let alone sustain it for... two days. The degeneration, the precipitous decline of Britain and her media-political class in the last 20 years is astonishing and there is no coming back from it because it is a result of steady accumulation of the critical mass of shitty higher education, grabbing onto a chimera of past greatness, which is not there, and of debilitating bitterness, which went critical. Well, just to demonstrate deep running incompetence, now a tradition, of British, here is from great Correlli Barnett who documented British "intel" on the eve of the WW II. 

How typically British--to grossly overestimate oneself and grossly underestimate Russia. They never learn. But then again, I am on record--Oxford or King's College, bar STEM and maybe law, are degree mills.

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