Thursday, March 14, 2024

Sure, Sure...

 ... also Russia killed dinosaurs. 

Russia ‘jams signals’ on RAF plane carrying Grant Shapps. The electronic attack happened when the defence secretary, who has accused Putin of ‘sabre-rattling’, was flying back from Poland, where he had watched a Nato exercise. 

Yes, and we just received the photo of perpetrators of this "jamming". 

British "elites" do not even have a concept of self-respect.
But the phrase Russia ‘jams signals’ on RAF plane is beyond description of imbecility of this journo trash from The Times who wrote this. Cretins (I am sure with Oxford degrees in shit) do not understand that any platform (planes, trains, automobiles) carry ONLY the receiver of the GPS (GLONASS, Beidu what have you) of the signal and jamming happens in the VOLUME of space and cannot be directed specifically at "RAF plane". E.g. GPS and GLONASS in the center of Moscow are jammed, and they are jammed for everyone--from terrorists, to Yandex taxi, to every person with the smart phone. But I am sure UK military after 44 weeks in Sandhurst entering it after obtaining degrees in journalism and political "science" know all about it. Right? Right?!

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