Monday, October 23, 2023

There Are Always Consequences.

I am talking about Finland and Sweden and them joining NATO. First, there have been economic measures from Russia which are helping now to bankrupt a number of Finnish industries. Now, the question: what happens if you take a number of these:

Then take this:  
And do classic maneuver by forces. Like this:

Well, you get this:

Военно-технический ответ на расширение НАТО готовят на Ладожском озере — оно может стать местом запуска ракет малыми ракетными кораблями (МРК). Минобороны провело комплексную работу по изучению возможностей базирования кораблей и выполнению боевых задач в этой акватории, сообщили источники «Известий» в военном ведомстве. По результатам исследований, которые шли несколько месяцев, признано, что МРК могут эффективно действовать в Ладожском озере. Эксперты отмечают, что это адекватная мера после расширения НАТО на северо-западе: отсюда корабли могут держать под прицелом Финляндию.«Это вполне здравый военно-технический ответ на вступление Финляндии и Швеции в НАТО. Ладожское озеро достаточно большое. Во время Великой Отечественной войны там действовала Ладожская флотилия, после войны дислоцировались различные силы. Это хорошая идея — обеспечить стрельбу «Буянами» и «Каракуртами» по целям НАТО. Кроме того, этот район не так хорошо известен разведке альянса, как балтийские базы», — рассказал «Известиям» военный историк Дмитрий Болтенков.

Translation: A military-technical response to NATO expansion is being prepared on Lake Ladoga - it could become a missile launch site for small missile ships (SMRVs). The Ministry of Defense has carried out comprehensive work to study the possibilities of basing ships and performing combat missions in this water area, sources in the military department told Izvestia. Based on the results of research that took several months, it was recognized that RTOs can operate effectively in Lake Ladoga. Experts note that this is an adequate measure after NATO expansion in the north-west: from here ships can keep Finland at gunpoint. “This is a completely sound military-technical response to the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO. Lake Ladoga is quite large. During the Great Patriotic War, the Ladoga Flotilla operated there, and after the war various forces were stationed. It is a good idea to ensure that Buyans and Karakurts fire at NATO targets. In addition, this area is not as well known to alliance intelligence as the Baltic bases,” military historian Dmitry Boltenkov told Izvestia.

You see how simple it is to operate when you have alternatives in case someone decides to fight war with Russia in the North. Same as Caspian Flotilla can navigate from Caspian Sea to Azov Sea and further. That's the power of the mosquito fleet with draughts allowing it to navigate internal river and lake routes while having weapons' ranges of more than 2,500 kilometers. Finland and Sweden made their choice, now Russia is making hers. Just in case...

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