Monday, July 31, 2023

Why They Cannot...

 ... find their asses with both hands in a brightly lit room. Just wanted to leave it here to mark my long-standing point of why GIGO and lack of any serious education produce this type of people. 

Today it is all about appearances and no substance whatsoever. What passes for "tech" in the West is nothing more than primarily (not all of it) a collection of code-writers who do not understand that the strike in some mine in South America or Africa can abruptly stop their gravy train of BS, while 3M14M or newest X-101 can reach them anywhere. Yet, here we are, some BSer with zero serious experiences in anything hypnotizing a bunch of morons with degrees from degree mills in Ivy League. Can this guy and his "firm" develop a good jet engine or rolling stock? I thought so. 

P.S. The guy has a Ph.D in Political "Science".  With "leaders" like that...