Or rather--it all depends. Uncertainty and the task of resolving it in weapon systems is one thing, for that one needs a serious STEM background (engineering, usually) and modern computation and signal processing. But this kind of "uncertainty"...
... actually is very "certain". In fact, there is no uncertainty here whatsoever, while weakness was there (still is) from the get go. Same goes for NATO "support" for 404 because here basic math and physics play role and the US simply doesn't want those pictures of burning Abrams tanks and shot down F-16, F-15, F-35 et al being demonstrated for the whole world to see. Simple as that. You see, no uncertainty.
Now about this:
Arriving at the talks, President Emmanuel Macron said France would join Britain in supplying long-range cruise missiles to allow Ukraine to strike Russian targets in depth.
Now, I think it might be the time for Russia to look attentively at France and her assets as potential targets. What is it going to be? I am sure General Staff has ideas. The best way to deal with hysterical chihuahua is to kick it under the couch. But, in general, the first day of NATO "summit" confirmed that NATO "doesn't want", a euphemism for being scared shitless, the war with Russia. NATO simply has no real resources for that. Russia does and that makes all the difference. Per NATO ramping anything up--wet dreams, once one considers the state of economy of combined West.
Meanwhile, the old fool is still around:
This relic passes in the West for the wise statesman. Everything you need to know...