Monday, July 17, 2023

Sullivan Is Absolutely Correct...

... when speaking to ABC: 

It is precisely because of that the US and UK are involved in the terrorist activity in Russia. Terrorism is a weapon of the weak.  So, the saga with Crimean Bridge continues, US stooges from Kiev killed two civilian people and left a little girl an orphan. The span of the bridge will be fast repaired and railroad traffic has already resumed. 

Meanwhile scumbags from UN squeal:

So, what did they expect? In the end, this BS about "UN brokered" something has to stop. UN is a useless organization which today is nothing more than a platform for PR activity, it cannot broker shit without big honchos agreeing on something. This cabal of sinecure abusers in UN should be dispersed and present UN shut down as a seat of the corruption. The UN Charter should remain and it could be considered in the new global power arrangement. Consequently, the UN HQs should be moved to some country other than US. How about Hungary? What about Mongolia? I heard Ulaanbaatar is lovely in Winter. I mean it. 

So, here we go again with PR activity on part of NATO and its stooges in Kiev which changes absolutely nothing in terms of outcome, and Kiev may expect some visits from unidentified Russian flying objects soon. Medvedev today stated what is needed to be stated and I stress it non-stop--the real war crimes tribunal is coming (it is in the works as I speak) and some interesting dynamics of coming indictments in relation to NATO officials and media whores is expected. 

Here is the aggregate (as of today, July 17) Butcher's Bill for VSU and someone will pay for it, and I don't mean Kiev bottom feeders.