Monday, July 3, 2023

Russia Knows This.

How, is a separate issue--Russian diplomacy is world class, so is SVR and so are some important exchanges, which are usually not advertised. Now Polish MP of Euro Parliament and former Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski, speaking to Polish media concludes:

Translation: Although many Western leaders argue that they will not return to doing business with Russia after the war, as has happened in the past, the "business as usual" approach may prevail, because Russia is needed by many countries, especially Germany, he said on Thursday at a conference "Fallen State: A Guide to the Breakup of Russia" PiS MEP Witold Waszczykowski.

Two issues, though: there will be no "freezing of a conflict" and it is Russia, not Europe who will decide how to dictate business conditions to Europeans who inevitably will be forced to crawl back to Russia, even if for a petty reason of preserving the power for many in present EU regimes. No Russia--you get France of today in different iterations. Russians know that this is coming because both EU and NATO are dead men walking and European economies are unsustainable without Russia. Unless, of course, they turn things around, like... 360 degrees.