... is coming and Ania, Larry and me are doing the panel tomorrow. After that I don't have my plans straightened out, but I wanted to make sure that people understand the "cultural" issue which I try to convey for years. Before Nikita Mikhalkov sold his soul and talent to "Academy", he produced a masterpiece Friend to Foes, Foe to Friends in 1974 with immortal soundtrack by Artemyev. This piece when White Officer Lemke (played by Kaidanovsky) understands that new relationships based of friendship and honor, where Czarist officers thought they had a monopoly on, begin to take place among those they thought inferior is one of the most powerful moments in the movie and he cries... Not to mention a genius musical piece.
Fast Forward to 2023 and those who have been supposed to be servants and looked down as inferiors build the country which celebrates the greatest show on Earth for the graduates of Russia's schools.
Russian girls prefer real men, and Russian real men prefer real women and they want all this within Russian cultural framework. These are Russian (Moscow) graduates of high schools a couple of weeks ago. Do you see Lemke's tears rolling down his cheeks? Ah yes, it is Shaman with I am Russian hit.