Friday, August 2, 2024

I Mentioned It Once...

 ... I will repeat again, when Russians invoke God, that means shit got really serious--those opposing better run. That means it is metaphysical and the latest recruitment video by Russian MoD is a clear challenge to the West's satanism on display in Paris recently.  

It is a famous Russian quote from Alexander Suvorov (which in itself has roots in Europe) during his crossing of Alps in 1799: "We are Russians, God is with us". So, here we are--a universal language understood by most of humanity and an open acknowledgement of the metaphysical fight against the West. So, it is very indicative of the present situation the world is in. 

In related news, yet another boy from MGIMO makes a conclusion on INF issue while having about zero competencies. While correctly chastising Trump for quitting INF Treaty he arrives to the conclusion which is typical for people of his background: 

I have news for him and his "research" fellows from the same club of nincompoops who infest all kinds of "think-tanks":

1. He evidently doesn't understand what "operational", let alone "operational dominance" are. It is expected from people with no particular education and whiteboard professional "experiences" which preclude them from grasping military balance and warfare of the XXI century;

2. That is why this Chekov guy didn't get the message that far from being able to deploy "hundreds" of missiles, the only tool the US has in Europe is to place there the "Typhoon" thingy which is truck based good ol' MK-41 VLS for... good ol' and nearing obsolescence TLAMs, BGM-109 Tomahawks, you know. Ah yes, and this LRHW which the US doesn't have and will not have for some time. 

Chekov, obviously doesn't understand that the US is not even in the same league in terms of RUK/ROK with Russia, not to mention a dramatic mitigating factor of Russia's Air and Anti-missile Defense. But serious military and engineering incompetence is expected from these guys. They could sell their BS as "expertise" in the XX century, today--it is packaging "political science" BS into "product" and passing it as "analysis", which it is not. And I don't even mention here the fact that Russia outproduces COMBINED West in terms of stand off weapons by a colossal margin and those weapons are truly monsters whose combat-proven capabilities are simply beyond the reach of the combined West. Well, I will repeat again--ANY serious modern geopolitical analysis requires today a very serious military or intelligence background, and even those are not guarantee against being stupid. The faster these "researchers" with degrees in International Relations, Journalism or Political "Science" get the message--the better it will be for the overall mood of the public being bombarded with their incompetent BS. As per most, not all, of Russian "Americanists"--they are academic failures precisely because they don't have the grasp of foundational principle of geopolitics--balance of power, which is a first derivative of military-industrial capability of the nation. 

As Schumpeter warned about it in 1943:

Mr. Chekov should read this classic work. It may help him in understanding his own lack of qualifications for passing judgement on anything military or applied geopolitics related. Those require a much higher levels of education and intellect.

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