Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 ... it is a conspicuous consumption by people with low cultural level, trying to emulate what they think the "luxury" used by rich is. Well, in case of Dior, give them credit where the credit is due--nice perfumes. 

Stores of German fashion brand Hugo Boss will reopen in Russia this month or in September after their acquisition by retailer Stockmann, RIA Novosti has reported, citing the Union of Shopping Centers for new brands. Other Western brands are extending their trademarks in the country, hoping to get back to trading. Hugo Boss joined the ranks of other major brands to exit the Russian market in 2022 after Western countries imposed sanctions on Moscow over the conflict in Ukraine. The German company has also paused its e-commerce activities in Russia and stopped advertising there. “The new Hugo Boss will not be any different, everything will remain the same, without changes. All 19 stores will open at the same time ...” Natalia Kermedchieva, vice president of the Union of Shopping Centers for new brands, told RIA on Monday, noting that the branding of the stores will be preserved.

Of course, money talks and Russia is a high income economy--a shocking revelation for Washington. Surprise, surprise, Russians are solvent and Russian upper middle class loves brands. And so, pure economic sense tells one that losing a high income market of 160 million people (Russia and Belarus) just because a cabal of neocons and D.C. "strategists" hates Russian guts is a complete insanity. I certainly can see Dior finding its place--even in Soviet times Dior perfumes could be found even in Soviet department stores in large cities. So, there is always a certain number of nischebrods who would sell their soul for a brand...

But as I stated many times now--in the game of real capitalism with Russia, the West is doomed and is beginning to feel this urge to get privileges inside military and economic superpower which is rich. Hard to beat this one. And that's just the start.

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