Si Vis Pacem, Para Vinum © Andrei Martyanov's Blog
Concise and to the point.
Lots of scripted negotiation Kabuki theater going on in Ukraine and Israel. On the Ukrainian front, Indian President Modi made a pilgrimage to Kiev to try to talk some sense into the cocaine comedian, Mr. Zelensky, but went away with no agreement or concession from the Ukrainian side. At the same time, Antony Blinken was worming his way between Israel, Egypt and possibly Qatar ,frantically trying to get some acceptance of the US proposal for a ceasefire without taking time to meet with the Hamas negotiators. These efforts to secure movement on the negotiation front share one thing in common — both are doomed to fail. The Ukrainian incursion into the Kursk region has torpedoed any chance of Moscow entering into negotiations with Kiev. Russia will no longer entertain any overture other than the unconditional surrender of Ukraine. Ukraine’s options are simple and stark — surrender and keep some of Ukraine intact as a nation or continue the war and face political and military annihilation.
Read and watch the whole thing at Larry's blog.