Wednesday, August 7, 2024

About Local Clowns And "Military Summary"...

 ... crap which people who for some time reading this blog learned absolutely nothing. I reiterate. Read attentively. 

1. So called Dima and Military Summary channel is not a source of any competent and verified military information. 

2. This Dima is most likely either passive or active asset of TSIPSO, because he spreads a lot of 404 propaganda;

3. Like most such "channels"--those "Dimas" have zero military expertise, have no military education or service record even as privates, let alone operational level officers;

4. None of them are in it for serious analysis, because they don't know what it is and have zero real military sources or access to competent military circles, none, professionals would laugh at them, and they are doing this for a variety of reasons: small dick, ambition, money, validation, being cowards and fanboys et al. 

4. I will mercilessly prevent any kinds of references to these entertainers and info-clowns on this blog, many of who are conduits for TSIPSO and GUR misinformation and propaganda. 

While sometimes being light-hearted, this blog is about serious professionals and civilian people with brains and serves as an educational resource for those who want to know and learn. I will not compromise on reputation of this resource. As for Dima, I suggest local fanboys to convey a message to this loser about me being ready to discuss with him military issues of SMO. Publicly. You all know what will be the result. He knows it too.

Now, for reality. Here is a map of "stretch" between alleged "captured" Sudzha and Kursk. See the distance. It is a hint.

Now closer to the area of action.  
You see the distance from the state border to the Western outskirt of allegedly "captured" Sudzha. Well, here is a military reporter of Izvestia reporting for Channel 5 a few hours ago from allegedly "captured" Sudzha. 

It was never "captured" but shelled--a standard way of VSU "fighting", the remnants of the group which tried to "enter" are being finished off as I type this. So, do I make myself clear to those who think that, let me avoid here being unnecessarily humble and, in fact, let me stress it, they can challenge me--former cadre officer with tactical and brigade staff level service experience and my friends, senior officers with combat and operational level experience, among many other sources, by posting here info excrement by some amateur fanboy spewing BS concocted primarily in TSIPSO? I have an advice--you don't like this blog, feel free to migrate. If not, I will make this migration mandatory.