Thursday, May 23, 2024

Takes Two To Tango...

You see, a defining feature of the West's "elites" is their complete inability to calculate consequences. They view Russia's patience and legal approaches as weakness--it is expected from people of low culture and education which most Western "elites" are. Baerbock is even suing X (Twitter) for the post about her being the dumbest foreign minister in the world, which she is. So...

МОСКВА, 23 мая — РИА Новости. Владимир Путин подписал указ о порядке компенсации ущерба в случае конфискации российских активов в США, документ опубликовали на портале правовых актов. "Российский правообладатель вправе обратиться в суд в соответствии с правилами подсудности <...> с заявлением об установлении факта необоснованного лишения его прав на имущество в связи с решением государственного или судебного органа Соединенных Штатов Америки и о компенсации ущерба", — говорится в документе. В качестве правообладателей могут выступать Российская Федерация или Центробанк. Для компенсации ущерба можно будет изымать имущество США или связанных с ними лиц и впоследствии передавать его правообладателю. Речь идет в том числе о гражданах и резидентах США, а также о находящихся под их контролем иностранных лицах, независимо от места их регистрации. Изъять можно будет движимое и недвижимое имущество, ценные бумаги, доли в компаниях, имущественные права. Список таких активов в суд по запросу предоставит правительственная комиссия по контролю за иностранными инвестициями. Правительство должно в течение четырех месяцев внести в законы поправки, необходимые для исполнения президентского указа.
Translation: MOSCOW, May 23 – RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the procedure for compensation for damage in the event of confiscation of Russian assets in the United States, the document was published on the portal of legal acts. “The Russian rights holder has the right to go to court in accordance with the rules of jurisdiction <...> with a statement to establish the fact of unjustified deprivation of his rights to property in connection with a decision of a state or judicial body of the United States of America and for compensation for damage,” the document says. The Russian Federation or the Central Bank may act as rights holders. To compensate for the damage, it will be possible to seize the property of the United States or related persons and subsequently transfer it to the rights holder. This includes citizens and residents of the United States, as well as foreign persons under their control, regardless of their place of registration. It will be possible to seize movable and immovable property, securities, shares in companies, and property rights. A list of such assets will be provided to the court upon request by the government commission for control of foreign investment. The government must, within four months, amend the laws necessary to implement the presidential decree.
Larry Wilkerson nails it, when speaks about those Washington "strategists" being absolutely lost when trying (and they now desperately want to) to extricate themselves from the situation in 404. Too late. As the saying goes: one talon gets stuck--the whole bird is doomed. 
I warned about it, for ten years I tried, desperately, but I guess political "science" major from Georgetown knows better, right? In related news, the clean up of Defense Ministry continues (in Russian). Boy, I can feel the butthurt of so many fanboys and "voenkors", for many of them that means the end of their sinecures and, highly likely, conversation with Investigative Committee or FSB. Love it!

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