That would apply to these "military experts" in UK who pretend that they are slightly more than terrorists and have a grasp of war and applied geopolitics. Remember this cretin?
He is back at it again)))
Ukraine is humiliating Putin at the worst possible moment.
The NATO militaries, including the US Army generals paraded themselves throughout the SMO as nothing more than credentialed amateurs, who can operate only on templates created on utterly false premises from history to technology. But even considering the fact that British tabloids are just that, a BS peddlers, one has to ask the question, with CV like that:
What do you expect? Exactly. But when one has no elementary self-respect and NATO armies and fleets are commanded by people with degrees in agriculture, biology or God forbids, journalism, no number of hours in some staff college is going to address a gaping hole in professional military education and integrity which comes with Esprit de corps--a thing beyond the grasp of British military, a demoralized, shrinking lilliputian force which is shown its true miniscule scale by the enemy British loved to hate since 18th century.