Kimo Loka commented yesterday:
They're definitely reading your blog, Andrei. Wikipedia removed the part about Hamish de Bretton-Gordon having an agricultural degree. He's now a tank warfare expert. LOL
I went to Wiki to check this and lo and behold, Kimo Loka was right))) They changed the WiKi page of this clown, who is very much representative of the majority of the decomposing UK Army (and Navy) and of the overall acute crisis in the Western military educational system which now primarily brainwashes its graduates on military history and provides a basic tactical minimum without going into the engineering and fundamental physics and mathematical principles of warfare. I want to reiterate--this is US Army's conclusion and that means that some of them are aware of the issue.
And now about THEM reading (or rather lurking around my blog and videos) me--of course they do. Pardon my arrogance for a minute here, but I am well-known person in military and intel circles around the world. Many professionals, some of whom may not like me and what I have to say at all, also read me. My books are in the Pentagon's library. I am also read by journos, probably even from the MSM. In the end--their military "sources" are the same people who facilitated American geopolitical catastrophe due to own hubris, illiteracy and, frankly, utter lack of professionalism. They also hate me for me exposing who those in the shadows are--credentialed amateurs. As per those "experts" like this clown Hamish De Bretton-Woods--he is an easy target because he has no clue about the real war. It still gives me a guilty pleasure to humiliate these illiterate credentialed fanatics who never graduated beyond junior tactical officer with degree in agriculture. Would you allow a local plumber to perform an open-heart surgery on you? Of course not, and here lies your rather simple answer. As per "Russia Study" field--such does not exist in the West.