The author of Mother of All Sanctions on Russia and now revealed to be an average corrupt political whore and influence peddler gets justice:
Bob Menendez, once a powerful US senator from New Jersey, cried as he begged a Manhattan judge for leniency Wednesday — and was sentenced to 11 years in prison for selling out his lofty post for gold bars, cash, a Mercedes-Benz convertible and other bribes. “Your honor, you have before you a chastened man,” Menendez, 71, said before choking up. “I have dedicated my entire life to the service of others,” he said, dabbing his eyes with a tissue. “I am far from a perfect man, but I believe in my half-century of public service, I have done more good than bad.”
Bob Menendez is an exhibit A of why US "foreign policy" is dysfunctional, and the US is constantly humiliated nowadays on global arena.
The former head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee — tasked with approving massive sums of lethal military aid — did favors for Egypt and Qatar while go-betweens showered him and his wife, Nadine, with cash, gold bars, the luxury car, checks for a no-show job and payouts to a sham “consulting” firm, trial evidence revealed. “What else can the love of my life do for you?” Nadine Menendez asked an Egyptian official while her international affairs honcho hubby smoked cigars and swigged red wine at a May 2019 meeting at Morton’s Steakhouse, an FBI agent who secretly observed the scene testified.
Bobby, who hails from Cuban parents got his lawyer degree and degree in non-existent political "science" and brought on-board nothing but fanatical hatred of Russia and neocon "views" of the world. The result--11 years behind bars and some Bubba from Cuba getting a slap bitch to enjoy--former Senator no less--which certainly will make an impact on Bobby's life of hatred, subversion, corruption and the damage he dealt to already fucked up US "stance" on global arena.