Thursday, December 12, 2024

Why America Loses Wars 2.0.

Pentagon is militarily incompetent so is CIA, we now know how. President-elect himself confirms it in his interview to Time magazine:  

But it has happened. So the question people want to know is, Would you abandon Ukraine? 

It makes it so bad. And I had a meeting recently with a group of people from the government, where they come in and brief me, and I'm not speaking out of turn, the numbers of dead soldiers that have been killed in the last month are numbers that are staggering, both Russians and Ukrainians, and the amounts are fairly equal. You know, I know they like to say they weren't, but they're fairly equal, but the numbers of dead young soldiers lying on fields all over the place are staggering. It's crazy what's taking place. It's crazy. I disagree very vehemently with sending missiles hundreds of miles into Russia. Why are we doing that? We're just escalating this war and making it worse. That should not have been allowed to be done. Now they're doing not only missiles, but they're doing other types of weapons. And I think that's a very big mistake, very big mistake. But the level, the number of people dying is number one, not sustainable, and I'm talking on both sides. It’s really an advantage to both sides to get this thing done.

This is what happens when the only thing you know is how to blow up shitty incompetent militaries. US has been exposed as militarily backward and they have to constantly engage in palliative psychological therapy when facing the reality of the warfare for which no US officer or soldier are qualified. So, they suck on 404 propaganda trying to avoid the reckoning with their new and radically diminished status. After all, these were them who planned this whole disaster in 404. PR and making up numbers, while residing in alternative universe, is no substitute for major combined arms operations. I will remind about The Real Revolution In Military Affairs: