Friday, December 20, 2024

Answering Satellite (Alleged) Photos Of Yuzhmash...

People continue to post satellite photos from some guy's blog (Amerikanets, no less) of Yuzhmash. Mind you, somebody allegedly "bought" these photos and now, after three weeks since the event analyses it. Immediately, deferral to Ted Postol and his "analysis" should raise the red flag in terms of any validity of speculations on the physical nature of Oreshnik. So, here are some photos. One:

And two: 
Now, for those people who still don't get it, let me remind you what was this all about and I quote myself in the immediate wake of strike at Yuzhmash. 

TSIPSO and butt-hurt fanboys from the West are already in full arms on all forums declaring that they have seen satellite photos of Yuzhmash and that... ranging from "we saw 6 charred entrances" to "nothing was really damaged". Totally expected. For those, just in case, who still didn't get the message--MAIN activity of Yuzhmash was UNDERGROUND, as it would be in Soviet times if, God forbids, USSR and the US would go to war. Those underground facilities are gone, together with production and research facilities for NATO-404 joint missile programs. They are gone together with the shift and those NATO military and civilians present there. That is why SBU immediately classified the whole thing (showing some decrepit hut with broken roof as "real evidence") and some "debris" of allegedly Oreshnik.

But many people, with the memory span of a guppy fish still continue to ignore what was told to them from the get go. Moreover, read the whole post, which also partially explains that charred remnants of obvious fuel tank for some missile have nothing to do with Oreshnik. Anyone, like Ted Postol and a bunch of Western media cretins aka "journalists", who bought this BS from 404 have no understanding of the physical principles on which hypersonic weapons with maneuvering blocks operate. For starters, small Oreshnik MIRVs do not have this type of fuel tank, if any. Secondly, the boost phase and cut off (burn out) of the booster launched on suppressed trajectory from Kapustin Yar and separation of the bus with MIRVS which begin to travel completely on their own and maneuver highly likely happened over the territory of Russia which completely precludes Ukies getting their hands on anything Oreshnik related. Ukie exposed merely a dug out remnants of whatever the shit (Grom ballistic missile) they have been working on underground with NATO's technical specialists. All that infrastructure is not there anymore--it is all gone. 

Above is the range representation--launch from Kapustin Yar to Dnepropetrovsk. Slashed red line is approximately the territory of former 404 controlled by Russia. By then, the boost phase of hypersonic MIRVs would have been over and all remnants of a booster would have landed on Russian territory. In other words, what Ukies have shown as Oreshnik are the remnants of their own missile program. Moreover, anyone who posts photos of RSD 10 Pioner missile system telling that it is Oreshnik are full of shit. Oreshnik is a completely new thing and likely incorporates in itself many technological finds from many weapon systems. So, here it is--my last attempt to shake some sense into people, who continue to see things which are not there.