Sunday, December 15, 2024

Poles Begin To Suspect Something.

 As Polish WNP writes:

Generally, there are no good scenarios for the combined West in general, and for Poland in particular, if it decides to go Macron's way. But looks like Poles made a right decision when told Macron to shove his laughable idea of "peacekeepers" where he, most likely, enjoys shoving. Per Trump "spinning"--he has 35 days to decide if he wants to make this 404 clusterfuck a purely Biden's thing or he will step into it and will experience his own and America's impotence in a historic defeat for his administration. 
Meanwhile, another clusterfuck, this time in Kerch Strait. 
This, my friends, is how maritime incompetence and greed look like when profit takes over basic safety and limitations of the old rust bucket of the River-Sea
class in stormy conditions. Well, Investigative Committee is on it and owners and captain will have a lot to answer for why this bathtub was allowed into stormy Black Sea. Since then the storm only strengthened. Truism--know your limitations. Because of this clusterfuck, Kiev celebrates and is about to declare victory.