Thanks to Patrick Armstrong who pointed this out:
I had a joy of dipping myself into the bizarre world of a "hipster techie" Christopher Wylie. As the Grayzone reported couple of days ago:
Here is our "hipster techie".
Here he is again, in motion, and you can clearly see his posture and uncanny ability to sell BS on a major scale:
“the gay Canadian vegan who somehow ended up creating ‘Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare mindfuck tool,’” who enjoys a wild ride “from fashion to fascism to fashion.” (After starting out as a fashion school student, he said he was hired by H&M in 2018.)
As celebrity sites comment:
While we don't know Christopher Wylie birth time, but we do know his mother gave birth to his on a Monday. People born on a Monday tend to be a bit sensitive and emotional. They have imagination and don't like planning things in advance. They're flexible and good at improvising.
Aw, so cute. Well, evidently this very gay, vegan and very emotional and sensitive person's 'fashionable' BS is being called by none other than:
The United Kingdom’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) spent over two years investigating Cambridge Analytica (CA) and associated entities, including its parent company, Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL); the Canada-based Aggregate IQ (AIQ); and the research facility Global Science Research (GSR). ... After examining Cambridge Analytica’s role in the 2016 presidential election in the United States, the 2016 Brexit referendum in the UK, and allegations of ties to Russian government influence operations, the ICO found a chaotic, largely ineffectual operation with no connection to the Kremlin. The closure of the investigation marked yet another anti-climactic denouement of a key Russiagate plot point. Elizabeth Denham methodically discredited the baseless allegations of collusion between the data firm, the Russian government, and the Trump campaign. Further, her report poured cold water on the influence of Cambridge Analytica in Brexit, demonstrating the company’s negligible impact on the vote.
Oops! So, Anglo-American gay activist who doesn't hate Russia and doesn't have agenda one way or another--never encountered one. They have, in their minds, all reasons to hate Russia because, well, Russia always culturally, and now officially, through amended Constitution says this in Article 72, para G1:
Translation: Under combined management of Russian Federation and its subjects are: defense of family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood; defense of the institute of marriage as a union of a man and a woman; creation of the conditions for an appropriate upbringing of children within family and also for grown up children carrying out their duty of providing care for their parents.
I will, at this stage, deviate from this topic, for now, but it is worth investigating, which is easy to do, why Western gays do not like Russia and Russians. I guess Russians lack of being 'emotional and sensitive' when making sure that their children are insulated from "progressive" agenda of the West. But this fact apart, my issue is not just with, totally expected, BS from Anglo-American press and its bunch of hacks who pass in it as "experts", my issue with that is:
And why exactly is this dude a techie?
He is definitely a hipster but what passes today for techie? No really? The guy definitely has some background in...'fashion', which is today nothing more than yet another alternative route for cultural degeneracy and spread of deadly infection of post-modernism among 'emotional and sensitive' generation whatever its title, he also has a law degree. I also happened to know some top notch mathematicians and physicists (Ph.Ds, no less) but they are not "techies", albeit they can do data-analysis on levels this Mr. Wylie, let alone this bimbo form The Guardian, can only dream about. Despite me being able to write code in AS 3.0, VBA, JavaScript (I guess) and having few PCs and laptops at home, am I a techie? No. So, what is a 'techie' when applied to this dude? Is this because he knows how to 'drag and click'? The "quality" of the Western 'data-analysis' was on full display when those idiots failed to predict anything right in 2016 and even today, two full days after what was supposed to be Biden's (DNC) triumph. I know real techies, I used to be one myself, that title requires a lot of effort in education and of a serious technical knowledge, including very serious background in software engineering. It starts on the level of a graduate degree in STEM or vast experience of working with complex systems.
As Grayzone concludes:
The methodically detailed investigation’s findings were a damning commentary on the Western media that opportunistically painted SCL-Cambridge Analytica as a batcave command center for Putin and the Bannonite far-right.
This is everything one needs to know about people who are being praised in Western media as "experts" and "whistle blowers". I don't know what type of whistle Wylie was blowing but I am sure it wasn't the one associated with honest, even if misguided, intentions. But then again, we all know how this usually ends up, remember?
Bogus sells in the West, in fact, this is the only thing modern Western "intellectual elites" are capable of producing. So, don't ask me why the modern West is in such a deep shit--it will get even more interesting in coming weeks.
P.S. Sad news. A legend, yet another one, passed on. Ken Hensley of British progressive hard rock stalwarts Uriah Heep, its recognizable Hammond organ voice and prolific song writer is not with us anymore. 2020 is a bad year. Shadows of Grief by Uriah Heep.