Monday, December 2, 2019


I was a member of CPSU, I am still pretty much an atheist, or, if you will, atheist agnostic,  but even the Moral Code of the Builder of Communism was largely copied and re-imagined from 9 (not 10) Commandments. This is beyond, it is pure unrefined evil from a country which gave us numerous genders and psychotic Greta Thunberg. 
A church in Malmo has a new altarpiece meant to celebrate inclusivity by replacing Adam and Eve in paradise with gay couples in suggestive poses, while depicting the serpent tempting them as a transgender woman.The controversial work of art is not new. Photographer and artist Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin painted it in 2012 and tried to donate it to the Skara Cathedral just before the church was preparing to conduct the first same-sex wedding in its 1,000-year history.The openly lesbian artist, who has a history of blending religious imagery with pro-minority activism, said at the time that she wanted to test if the Church of Sweden was as gay-friendly as it claimed to be when it embraced same-sex marriage in 2009. The Skara Cathedral politely declined the gift, saying it was about political activism and not faith.But over seven years have passed, and now Wallin has got her way, even if it isn’t in her home city. St. Paul’s Church in Malmo accepted the painting called “Paradise” as its new altarpiece and unveiled it on Sunday, the first day of Advent. Helena Myrstener, the pastor, said that “history was written” in the hanging of the “LGBT altarpiece” as she tweeted a photo of the painting.
I am not going to upload this disgusting image. Europe, this is your future. You wanted it, you were working tirelessly to remove anything sacred from your culture--you succeeded. I don't think this is possible, yet, in the US--too many armed people, and there are still many with genuine Christian faith (not Christian Zionists--these are a separate matter). What's next? We know what's next--institutionalizing of pedophilia and eventual departure into oblivion of a complete depravity and then Jihad by Muslim element which will wipe out whatever is left of Europe and will turn it into a Sharia concentration camp. Guess what, first who will be violently dealt with will be representatives of European sodomy and pedophilia community with European snow-flakes being next in line for either enslavement or physical annihilation. I am not sure I personally will weep for Europe anymore--it increasingly becomes, for all my atheistic background, satanic. Let it burn. 

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