Friday, January 3, 2025

In Related News.

 Musk comments on Yakut soldier and his knife fight with a Nazi. 

Commenting on the story, Musk wrote on X on Friday: “I have a WW1 trench knife embedded in my bedroom wall just in case. 1917 edition. More useful than a gun in close quarters.”

I guess this is Musk's years in the armed forces and in combat talking. He is a swell guy this Musk fella. Knows about everything. What he should know is that Yakuts have an immense hunting culture up to going with knifes only against bears. Yes, there have been cases that hunters fought off bears with knifes. In related news, I took a shower, and my neighbor owns a cat. The temperature outside is 37 degrees F. 

No, Russians Are Not Coming.

Recall Zhukov to Rokossovsky in Berlin in May 1945: "we liberated them from Nazism, and they will hate us for that." An interesting comment from the discussion under my new video:

The Russian army is the only thing that can save France from being conquered by the Moors by 2050.

Correct. Russians saved France before, in WW I. But this all is in the past. It must be understood, and I preach it for many years (10 at this blog alone) --NEVER again a foot of Russian soldier will step on European soil, period. Russia is not saving anyone, and Russians are not coming. Europe made its choice, and it is strictly European matter, whether they prosper or are being beaten into submission or starve. Maximum what Russia can do for Europe (and she is doing it) is to open her doors for normal Europeans who want to have future. The rest, well, if they starve maybe Russia will send a few Il-76s transports with food and generators. Europe is finally free from Russia and Russians. Free at last.

Speaking of Il-76s--when the airframe is so good that ...

The most joyful and smiling aircraft in the world. Even when dropping Pskov or Ivanovo divisions to unleash hell.

How US "Realists" Contributed ...

 ... to a catastrophe in 404. Their "realist" picture of Russia, her people, her economy, her history and her military was a caricature which differed very little from the caricature by neocons or US "establishment". They are as culpable in watering down the deterrent effect of Russia's actions since Putin's 2007 Munich speech as neocons. The virus of American exceptionalism kills, literally, including through self-proclaimed "realists" who never had realistic picture of Russia. Now, last Ukranian sperm pool of 18-year-olds is getting ready to be disposed of by Biden's regime. Russian Armed Forces will oblige. 

Realism my ass. 

Yes, And They Will Show Those ...

 ... damn Russkies. 

Six months after French President Macron announced that an unspecified number of Dassault Mirage 2000-5 fighters is set to be transferred to Ukraine, it now appears that the first Ukrainian pilots and ground personnel might have completed their training in France. The info was first disclosed by RTL France, which mentioned that "the training of pilots and mechanics at the Nancy base seems to be complete."

And this is the problem ... for the combined West. Or as they would say a conundrum--the United States gave 404 its best weapon systems--Patriot PAC3, NASAMS, ATACMS, Abrams M1s et al--they performed dismally, to put it mildly. I will talk about some of them in my new video, Javelin alone is a wowser. Now, you have France, which is a conventional second tier power at best who follows statements from its bank teller boy president trying to "train" Ukie pilots for something not a single French Air Force pilot has any idea about; namely--operating of the obsolete combat aircraft in the battlespace dominated by the AD, EW, Netcentricity and state-of-the-art 4++ and 5th generation aviation of Russian Air Force. We know the outcome. 

Mirage 2000-5F is an old aircraft:

And the first of the fleet of M-2000s iterations with the "glass cockpit". 
That's not going to change much for those Ukie pilots who will encounter any Russian fighter, as it wouldn't for any French pilot flying the latest iteration of Rafale--they all will be shot down. The only purpose of these aircraft is to serve as platforms for French Scalp missiles to launch at Russian (primarily civilian) targets. If they get lucky--they may fly couple-three missions before either being shot down or hunted down by Mr. Kinzhal or Mr. Iskander, or a jolly company of 3M14 Kalibrs. French made their choice, and the vector of Russo-French relations is set. Mr. Lavrov disclosed pathetic French behind the scene attempts to "negotiate" with Russia (without Zelensky no less as French insisted) on purpose--to demonstrate to France her insignificance and the fact that France is Russia's enemy and should be treated accordingly. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Real Life Vs. Movies.

This is exactly why there are limits to martial arts in being outnumbered situation, before one either runs or pulls his gun and stands his ground. 

Same as competent robbers in Home Alone:

The script and analogies today write themselves, pretty much. I am talking about geopolitics. I am planning to make a video tomorrow about this dramatic contrast. I also want to point out one critical fact of SMO and why Russian Army is by far the best army in the world today. Take a look, again, at fighters of the 5th Brigade hoisting the Russian Flag over Kurakhovo's Power Plant and other industrial facilities a few days ago. 

While looking at it, take an approximate measure of a massive scale of these buildings which are in effect fortresses. Every single large industrial building in Eastern 404 has been turned into the fortress, top-bottom and basements. These are the hardest strongholds one can face in a war and there have been hundreds of them taken, gigantic and not so much, since 2022. Well, not to gloat or boast, now imagine month after month taking these fortresses. Azovstal in Mariupol alone is a wowser. This was the idea of NATO generals that Russian Army will bog down in this network of massive fortifications they prepared since 2014, but those people from Pentagon, not to speak about military chihuahuas from EU, as always, mistook movies for real life. Do you need me to continue to elaborate on this issue or you already got it? I still like to watch the first Die Hard once in a while. 

Garland, Scott And Yours Truly ...

 ... live in 20 minutes. 

Nima And Yours Truly.

Live in about 20 minutes. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

I Want To Remind You All ...

... that number. This was a moment of clarity from Hegseth--he didn't pull those numbers out of his ass, he had them discussed in his military environment. This is omega--mathematical expectation: 15 hypersonic weapons against 10 carriers. 

We are still waiting for photos from Yuzhmash--there is a reason they are not made public, while all kinds of people calculate energies of Oreshnik. The main question, however, is--what comes next, and it is coming. And it is going to be even more terrifying than 3M22 Zircon, or Kinzhal or even Oreshnik. So, Omega for a hypersonic weapon, the average number of missiles required to destroy US Navy's CVN is 15/10 = 1.5 missiles. Let's be prudent and round it to 2. That tells you everything you need to know about the global balance of power. 

They Thought They Controlled It ...

 ... they didn't, and then it came for them. The spirit of Brzezinski casts a long shadow over the clusterfuck that US foreign and national security so-called policies are. 

This is what happens when everything you know about the world outside is a myth to feed your self-aggrandizing--tragedy of Bourbon Street happens. 

I Talk About the Bourbon Street ...

... terrorism and its genesis in my new video which should be up shortly (an hour, give and take). But now, why Russian generals (and senior officers) die often. Well, these guys always lead. 

Самоотверженный воин, талантливый командир

В марте 2024 года полковник Доржи Чимитов спланировал и успешно реализовал захват укрепленных позиций противника. В результате грамотного руководства действиями подчиненного личного состава и точной корректировки огня было уничтожено пять вражеских опорных пунктов и более 50 военнослужащих ВСУ, пять неонацистов были пленены. В апреле 2024 года офицер умело руководил мотострелковым батальоном и штурмовым отрядом бригады во время захвата важного опорного пункта ВСУ. Под массированным вражеским огнем штурмовики ворвались на оборонительные позиции неонацистов и вступили в бой. Благодаря смелым и решительным действиям полковника к исходу дня вражеский опорный пункт был захвачен, уничтожено более 50 боевиков.

Позднее во время движения на запасные позиции мотострелковый батальон, в составе которого действовал полковник Чимитов, попал под артиллерийский обстрел и подвергся нападению неонацистов. Мгновенно оценив обстановку, офицер отдал приказ подчиненным укрыться и занять оборону. Находясь на переднем крае, полковник грамотно руководил боем. Под непрекращающимся огнем противника батальон в течение 10 часов успешно отражал вражеские атаки. Враг атаковал позиции батальона полковника Чимитова дронами, из-за чего офицер получил осколочное ранение, перелом ребер и ключицы, но отказался от эвакуации и продолжил руководить вверенным личным составом, своим примером и мужеством воодушевляя подчиненных на выполнение поставленных боевых задач.

Смелые и решительные действия полковника Доржи Чимитова, умелая организация выполнения поставленной задачи позволили подразделениям бригады в назначенной полосе обороны не допустить прорыва позиций наших войск. 🎖 За героизм, мужество и отвагу, проявленные при исполнении воинского долга, полковнику Доржи Чимитову присвоено звание Героя Российской Федерации.


Selfless warrior, talented commander In March 2024, Colonel Dorzhi Chimitov planned and successfully carried out the capture of fortified enemy positions. As a result of competent leadership of the actions of subordinate personnel and precise fire adjustment, five enemy strongholds and more than 50 Ukrainian Armed Forces servicemen were destroyed, and five neo-Nazis were captured. In April 2024, the officer skillfully led a motorized rifle battalion and an assault detachment of the brigade during the capture of an important stronghold of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Under massive enemy fire, the assault troops broke into the defensive positions of the neo-Nazis and entered the battle. Thanks to the bold and decisive actions of the colonel, by the end of the day the enemy stronghold was captured, more than 50 militants were destroyed. Later, while moving to reserve positions, the motorized rifle battalion, in which Colonel Chimitov operated, came under artillery fire and was attacked by neo-Nazis. Having immediately assessed the situation, the officer ordered his subordinates to take cover and take up defensive positions. Being at the forefront, the colonel competently led the battle. Under incessant enemy fire, the battalion successfully repelled enemy attacks for 10 hours. The enemy attacked the positions of Colonel Chimitov's battalion with drones, due to which the officer received a shrapnel wound, broken ribs and a collarbone, but refused to be evacuated and continued to lead the entrusted personnel, inspiring his subordinates to carry out the assigned combat missions with his example and courage. The bold and decisive actions of Colonel Dorzhi Chimitov, the skillful organization of the assigned task allowed the brigade units in the designated defense zone to prevent a breakthrough of our troops' positions. 🎖 For heroism, courage and bravery shown in the performance of his military duty, Colonel Dorzhi Chimitov was awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation.