As was
expected, Donald Trump ended the Iran "Nuclear Deal", thus confirming
that US is run by neocons and, generally, by Israel. Obviously, more nations
will begin to think twice (if not more) before signing any agreements with the
US since they are not worth the paper they are printed on--but that is not
really the news anymore. As one observer put a dramatic spin on the news:
I don't
know under what stone this guy was living before but the only question which
one is forced to ask is this: America has credibility? I think the
"credibility" thing stopped being considered in US political top
since Yugoslavia 1999, with it this credibility simply evaporated after
Iraq's invasion in 2003. What is interesting in all this, however, is the fact
of what is Iran going to do now? For those who think that Iran and Russia have
allied relations--they better check their facts. Those relations are not easy
and current Iranian top is rather explicitly reserved towards Russia when talks
about real money begin. Obviously, till now Iran was very much leaning towards
European products and manufacturers.
Now, that
a formal casus belli for Israel's and Saudi (that is US) war (whatever that war
might be) on Iran begins to slowly take shape, I want to return to what I wrote
9 months ago:
Well, now
Iran gets involved one way or another in a first place and it will be up to
Russia, not even China, to ensure that Iran remains standing. Does Israel want
to start a land campaign in Syria? I don't know, she sure as hell, together
with Saudis, wants to fight to the last American soldier (and pilot) against
Iran and here we have to wait and see what Bibi has to say to Putin tomorrow
after Victory Day Parade in Moscow. In related news, US is about to
impose another round of sanctions on Russia's Military Industrial Complex--all
that, together with killing Iran Deal, despite objections of... get this... James
Mattis. Who would have known that the only realist in Trump's Administration
will be a combat general with a moniker of a "Mad Dog". Mattis should
seriously consider transfer of this title to Mr. Bolton or Nikki Hailey. With
Hailey, of course, there will be some issue with appropriate conjugation of the
term "Dog", if you know what I mean.
judging by Putin's remarks to State Duma today after the vote for confirmation
of Medvedev as a Prime Minister, one should have very little doubt where this
whole spectacle in D.C. is going since Putin was blunt--Russia is going to end
US Dollar in own economy. It also seems that all those talks about US-Russian
summit should be put to rest. Meanwhile, May 9 is coming to Russia and
this song will be played, and people will stand to it and sing all over Russia
in millions tomorrow.
With a Victory Day you all.