Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Those Who Planned...

 ... this FUBAR in Kursk for VSU--some even state that the whole idea originated in London, not surprising then with the level of UK's military--was obviously planned by amateurs. You see, they are still obsessed with operational indices, such as the length (range) of advance, the speed of advance and other purely Hollywood representations of war taken out of serious operational context and real military science. Well, you remember this, I recon...

The American Army as it is now exists could beat the Russians with the greatest of ease, because while the Russians have good infantry, they are lacking in artillery, air and in tanks, and in knowledge of the use of combined arms, whereas we excel in all three of these...

This is from Patton's diary in 1945. This is also the guy who never fought first rate Wehrmacht at the height of its strength and who faced in Lorraine... 10 German tanks. Who also completely made up a story of his "rivalry" with another propaganda inflated average commander such as Rommel. Not to mention, of course, him and his media chihuahuas taking credit for Ardennes and as the foreword to his diary states:

The creeping arrogance, the hubris, which would cost the American Army so dearly in Vietnam. Summing up the achievements of his troops in crushing the German counterattack of December 1944, Patton with pardonable pride claims to have “moved farther and faster and engaged more divisions in less time than any other army in the history of the United States—possibly in the history of the world... No country can stand against such an Army.” These memoirs are valuable not least in showing, however unwittingly, that a disastrous presumption of invincibility took root in the ranks of officers who led the American military after World War II. 

So, there you have it, pure delusion, with, obviously, people like Zhukov, Rokossovsky, Konev, Vasilevsky or Tolbukhin among many others, should they have been alive, having a Homeric laughter from the statements from a man who is venerated in the US Army as someone of a huge import in warfare, while being known primarily for his big mouth and outlandish claims. So, in the end, VSU lost by different estimates around 10-11 thousand its "best" troops, who encountered a real army. 

The result was expected--Ukie propaganda, while those "groups" who survived initially are now, also as was expected, corralled into the pockets within forests (zelenka as it is known in Russia) and being methodically annihilated, while some groups which are still loose in near border localities are being hunted down and killed. They never controlled anything more than at best 100-120 square kilometers of terrain with some hamlets (now it is reduced to low tens square kilometers at the most) and those "indices" mean nothing when the main task of the war on operational and tactical level, unlike it is the case with strategic Clausewitzian truism that the main object of war is to compel the enemy to do our will, is to KILL the opposition's armed force as much as possible. Russians are really good at it. In fact, they are the best in history. 

But, but, as I am record--once one begins to learn the military history based on Patton and Rommel, one is bound to lose its wars. Not to mention the fact that Russia finally paid serious attention to this "military bloggers" sewer and even shitty British propagandists from tabloid Moscow Times had to admit:

Russians are having a field day today with memes, which may have something to do with reality, that Ukrops got into Kursk Oblast to steal toilets, microwaves and washing machines;)) 

Now a sort of a trivial pursuit... Name which physical advantages--the only one that matter in the end--the US Army, as described in Field Manual 3-0, Operation, 2022, holds over Russians;): Position, Range, Speed of movement, Technologically superior capabilities, Terrain and weather. Good luck locating them;)

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