Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Two Crucial Pieces In...

 ... Ria in the last three days. First about all those "military analysts" In Russian, use Google to translate). 

Our Ancestors Were Executing Alarmists At The Spot.   

And this is just ONE of a number of major Russian media who started pointing out to all those military "experts" (how's Dima from the Military Bullshit Summary doing? Is he in Russia?) as effectively propaganda outlets for own enrichment on hype based on outright fantasies or being straight TSIPSO assets. 

Today--another no holds barred piece:

No Negotiations. Ukraine Simply Must Not Exist. 

As you can see yourself--Kursk "operation" by VSU (Washington, London) achieved absolutely opposite result--massive consolidation of Russian society behind the idea that, well, 404 must not exist. I will reiterate my point (ad nauseam, you know) as expressed by Sir Bernard Pares (the times when Britain still had people of honor, foresight and culture): 

Knowledge alone is not enough without understanding, which is much more hardly won. To know country does this apply more than to Russia... This gap has to be closed or it will cost us dear.  

The tragedy of the West today is two fold--it neither has knowledge, let alone understanding, of Russia, nor people with intellect and culture to handle this knowledge. In the end, combined West has its own Russia "experts" who BSed it into catastrophe.

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