Saturday, August 10, 2024

In Related News...

 ... water is wet, fire is hot and concrete is hard. Duh!

Ukraine’s Western backers do not object to Kiev’s large-scale incursion into Russian territory, Politico reported on Friday, citing officials. Ukraine launched an attack on Kursk Region on Tuesday in what is its largest assault on Russian territory since the outbreak of the conflict. The Russian Defense Ministry estimated at the time that the Ukrainian offensive force consisted of up to 1,000 soldiers and dozens of armored vehicles, including some supplied by the West. On Friday, however, Forbes claimed that the attack involved “at least three brigades,” each with up to 2,000 troops, including some of the best-equipped units in the Ukrainian army. Politico reported that some of Ukraine’s Western backers that had previously voiced concerns about escalation in the conflict gave a “greenish” light to the attack, adding that there “there is no sign” that they “are putting pressure on Kiev to ease off.”

I repeat ad nauseam--Pentagon and the combined West who had their asses handed to them in every single war they unleashed in the XX and XXI centuries live vicariously through their best proxy they ever had. Many people try to ignore this factor, but I stress it all the time--David Eisenhower, to his credit, describes the factor of professional envy of Western Allies of the Red Army on a number of occasions in his classic book on his famous Grandfather. Same is here--military impotence and spite drive many things in Washington, especially against the ongoing collapse of the American military pseudo-history--a collection of confabulated military stories to buttress American founding myth of the "greatest country there ever was". So, seeing all this circling the drain hurts, undoubtedly. So, what's left--convulsions of a rowdy psychiatric ward patient, who is restrained by orderlies and is taken to the padded room, who in desperation from inability to do anything bad to a doctor spits in his direction. 

Russians, meanwhile, do as they usually do--go through proper motions and annihilate whatever is left of those two hapless VSU brigades which are running around in small groups of scared shitless survivors. Hence the Counter-Terrorism Regime in Kursk Oblast, not the Military Regime---there is a huge difference. I elaborated enough on this issue in my yesterday's video. But main conclusion is--NATO (headed by the US) should go to the military grammar school and learn what modern warfare is against Russian military machine and stop pretending that they are in the same league. They never were, fighting primarily for PR effects, a doomed "strategy", if you can call it such, but that's the only thing they can do...

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