Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Number Is Shocking...

 ... it also explains why nobody can touch Russian Air Defense and Anti-Missile systems. It also explains a colossal size of Russian economy capable to produce copious amounts of very high end weapon systems and munitions. 

МОСКВА, 12 августа. /ТАСС/. Более 40 тыс. воздушных целей противника уничтожено за период проведения спецоперации средствами противовоздушной обороны (ПВО). Об этом ТАСС сообщил генеральный директор Концерна воздушно-космической обороны "Алмаз-Антей" Ян Новиков. "Благодаря слаженной работе Минобороны России и концерна, по данным Министерства обороны Российской Федерации, за период проведения СВО уничтожено более 40 тысяч воздушных целей противника", - сказал он.

Translation: MOSCOW, August 12. /TASS/. More than 40,000 enemy air targets were destroyed by air defense systems during the special operation. This was reported to TASS by the General Director of the Almaz-Antey Air and Space Defense Concern, Yan Novikov. "Thanks to the coordinated work of the Russian Defense Ministry and the concern, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, more than 40,000 enemy air targets were destroyed during the special operation," he said.

Moreover, those gargantuan arrays of combat information are the foundation for Russian air defense systems global domination for decades to come. This combat and scientific-engineering experience is priceless, you cannot buy it. They threw at Russia and her people everything combined West had, with the exception of the Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, they failed because more than 95% of it was intercepted. This is unprecedented. Just a reminder...

Thousand 40N6 Missiles in Three Years: russia Announced Massive Production Plan for Newly Tested 400 km Range SAM for S-400 Systems

And this is just ONE type of a missile for S-400. There are many other types of missiles and AD complexes. Those damn Russkies, they sure know how to bypass sanction and import those washing machines for microchips.

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