Friday, August 9, 2024

A Minute Of Military Porn...

 ... as was expected, the pulverization of "incursion" force and reserves VSU pulled is relentless. And, as also was expected and now becomes clear as a plan--the operation smoothly floated into the Sumy region of for now 404. Here is a nightmarish FAB-3000 with UMPK being delivered to the reserves of VSU in Sumy region. 

This video also demonstrates why Russian MoD is extremely conservative in its reports on VSU casualties. Here is an example--everyone of VSU who is killed or maimed in this particular episode will NOT BE counted and included in daily report. Having said this, the use of this monstrosity gives a hint that Russian military detected a fat target--a concentration of personnel and their armor worthy of visit of this lovely instrument of hell. My today's video about this and more is coming. Did the General Staff have a plan? It increasingly looks like. It also looks like that this FUBAR was planned by Pentagon. They are so predictable.

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