Monday, August 19, 2024

Back With Ark And Saving Civilization...

 ... many people have been wondering. Well, here is your answer of which I spoke about for years.

Президент России Владимир Путин подписал указ, предусматривающий оказание помощи при переселении тем, кто не приемлет ценности Запада.

Translate: Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree providing assistance with resettlement to those who do not accept Western values. According to the decree, foreigners who do not accept the policies of their countries, which contradict traditional values, will be able to apply for temporary residence in Russia without having to comply with the established quota and provide proof of proficiency in the Russian language, knowledge of Russian history and the basics of Russian legislation, TASS reports. Foreigners who do not share the policies of their countries, which "impose destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values" can apply for assistance. A large family from the United States, which previously adhered to traditional values, received a certificate of temporary asylum in Russia.

As you may have already surmised, after that the change from temporary to permanent status will be very easy and a straight road to Russian citizenship. Normal Western people are being saved. Those who do not understand what is this all about--read Dostoevsky's Pushkin lecture. 

Here is an example: 

In the most ironic historic twist, in less than 25 years the roles have changed completely 180 degrees between Russia and the United States. 

Meanwhile, here is Mr. Lavrov debunks (in Russian) all this BS about some "negotiations" and other crap made up by specialists in chicken shit from WaPo. And, I quote--NO negotiations are possible with Kiev regime, period. 

So, how many times--against the background of utter military incompetence and impotence of NATO, the only thing they excel at is spreading BS. I am on record--take the course of antibiotics after communicating with any Western journo from MSM.

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