Monday, August 26, 2024

Generally Speaking...

 ... NATO's adventurism at Kursk changed not just operational but whole strategic picture, so much so that it is impossible to cover up anymore. Well, with the exception of imbeciles from London Times (I'll be talking about it in my video). Here is Hindustan Times:

As I repeat ad nauseam--Operational Art is a CREATIVE use of military tools at your disposal which is based on solid foundation of operational-tactical level prowess of staffs and commanders. NATO doesn't have it, Russia has it in abundance. Numbers, numbers, numbers--the dynamics of their change is a story only proficient professionals can read. COFM--Correlation of Forces and Means is in the foundation of it all. NATO doesn't have understanding of it. Those who do, they are not in power. And even this understanding is not enough--NATO doesn't know and doesn't understand Russia. Should it have been otherwise, the US wouldn't have committed a suicidal blunder of getting involved with fighting Russia. The US militarily doesn't even register against the scale and prowess of Napoleon or Hitler armies--all of them destroyed by Russians. Well, now it is a desperate time in Washington... 
Cashback to 404 (c) (Kazmans), delivery by Pyaterochka my means of cruise missiles.

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