Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 ... Here is today's freshest from around Toretsk (and New York, ahem). As you can see the area roughly 3 by 3 kilometers is completely blocked. 

So, while completely surrounded, the job is not over and many people have to understand that reduction of such a cauldron requires not only forces turned INTO this cauldron such as this scheme of blocking shows, in this particular case platoon size force... 

But also requires considerable forces looking OUTWARD and blocking any de-blocking attempts by enemy. As you can see yourself ion this picture:

This is a whole operation with division + force involved. But most famous de-blocking attempt was Manstein's Operation Wintergewitter, who tried to save Paulus' 6th Army encircled at Stalingrad. I provide here the link to WiKi's article only for registering the event:

This was large,defeated by blocking Red Army force, attempt (do not take WiKi's "numbers" seriously--most of the time it is Wehrmacht's propaganda) by a serious Wehrmacht force. That is why you have forces looking INTO--reducing cauldron--and OUTWARD--repelling any de-blocking attempts by the enemy. So, encircling is a seriously complex operation, especially when you are dealing with the world-class force. Walter Model was a premier Wehrmacht specialist in extricating at least some surviving Axis forces from Red Army cauldrons, but even his operational genius didn't save Army Group Center during Operation Bagration.  
It was utterly demolished. And, of course, who can forget Avdeevka. 

Out of recent encirclements of "great" proxies of Washington and London's military "planners". There are no Mansteins or Walter Models among them, come to think about it--no Rokossovskys or Vatutins either. Mostly Pattons and Petraeuses.

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