Sunday, August 18, 2024

Time To Save One's Own Ass.

 ... or, rather, asses. LOL. I warned, remember? Now suddenly The Economist admits:

Russia’s double-punch back against Ukraine’s shock raid. It is bombing Ukrainians in Kursk and advancing in Pokrovsk

It is behind the paywall, but I can tell you what this globalist establishment tabloid proposes in this newly restarted game of blame. They say that it was hapless general Syrsky who hid his plans from the West to attack Kursk Oblast. Which implies, that should he have told that he about to attack Kursk Oblast (a euphemism for what Syrsky does best--kill his best troops), all those moral and military competent people (I am screwing with you) in Washington and London would have certainly prevented it. But poor poor dears have been in a complete darkness and didn't know about those plans, LOL)) 

Of course, this whole thing is nothing but a heap of bovine manure in a feeble attempt to start deflecting and spreading blame around, after VSU best equipped (practically all of it fresh NATO hardware) and motivated troops, and NATO generals who planned this catastrophe for them, covered part (about 11-12 kilometers) of what is called forefiled (or security zone), which was not prepared (why, we will know in a due time--administration of Kurks Oblast has a lot to answer for) and... drum roll... still drumming... still rolling... ran into the first line of defense of the Russian Army, which, as you may have guessed it by now was in about 11-12 kilometers from the border and... And The Economist still is required to keep abreast of the events along the whole front. Pokrovsk axis is just one of them, where Russians advance very dramatically. How about this? 

Drive to Kupyansk and those lovely narrows of Oskol River where its width is reduced to 25-30 meters. You get my drift, right? And then, of course, there are events at Maryinka-Ugledar chord. So, a lot is unfolding as I type this, but, in the end, it is about sheer military and political stupidity of the NATO planners who needed some "success" and "transfer" of Russian reserves from the front. Boy, they really need to learn what COFM is and get basic math skills going for them. The result was predictable: lines of communications (supply lines) have been cut, the whole force was dispersed and instead of Troops Operation, Counter-Terror Operation was introduced and that means there is NO statute of limitations for terrorism, meaning for anyone involved in this "incursion", including those who planned it. I stress this for the last several days--this is hugely important. And yes, that means NATO planners. 

Meanwhile, the removal of trash continues:

Anyone thought otherwise? Also, instructive, how losers from London stage Russian "POWs", in reality Ukie "actors", laying on the ground (that even WaPo cannot confirm it), while this is how real POWs identification happens through real military professionals of the Russian Army:

Heads-up, self-identification: full name (FIO, in Russian) and military unit. Many POWs from VSU, many... courts will decide who will be accepted as POW and who will face terrorism charges. 

P.S. Dmitry Kosyrev writes today in RIA (in Russian) about Idiocracy capturing the US. Read it, it is instructive.

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